Don’t let small minds convince you that your dreams are too big.

WHO Who are you listening to? Some people don’t have the CAPACITY to hear your dreams. Why are you asking “advice” from people who’ve never traveled SUCCESSFULLY where you are going. Your “friends” don’t know how to do that. Its your vision, take it seriously.
CHALLENGES Challenges being in your journey doesn’t mean you don’t go on the journey! It means you need ways to overcome the challenges. Challenges aren’t STOP SIGNS or DO NOT ENTER signs. They are opportunities!
LISTEN 1. Find people who have gone where you are going! 2. Use resources that give you understanding about the challenges that WILL be on your journey! There are NO challenge-less journies. 3. BUILD your mindset for success and remove limiting beliefs. 4. BEGIN even if you are nervous. 5. SURROUND yourself with people who want you to succeed.